Hertz, Juliet Robson, 2017–2018
After Hours
Everything vibrates – from the smallest atom on Earth to the furthest star in space. Frequencies surround and immerse us and yet the vast majority leave no imprint. Hertz gives a glimpse into this hidden universe making inaudible sound tangible and visible, The imperceptible soundtrack of a city in real-time and the secret songs of stars are brought down to earth, their harmonics making patterns in sand on vibrating plates.
Juliet Robson in collaboration with academics from the fields of astrophysics, meteorology and mathematics developed Hertz as a prototype, then as an interactive art work, ready for tour. It forms part of her ongoing interest in the workings of the universe and the conversation between art and science. Presented across many platforms and venues, there are future plans to tour internationally and to develop further.
‘What a totally astounding, amazing project’
– Max Reinhardt
Listen to an excerpt of Max Reinhardt featuring Hertz on BBC’s Radio 3’s brilliant Late Junction.
Co-commissioned and supported by Unlimited, celebrating the work of disabled artists, funded by Arts Council England. Co-commissioned and supported by We The Curious and Oxford Contemporary Music.